Vomiting of Pregnant Women Indomitable

Vomiting in pregnant women during pregnancy can be a very unpleasant and even dangerous condition. However, you should not panic if you encounter such a problem. In this article, we'll look at what vomiting gravidarum is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it.

Vomiting, or a hyperemetic state, is characterized by repetition

Vomiting during pregnancy is one of the most common problems experienced by women during pregnancy. It is characterized by acute attacks of vomiting, which can lead to severe dehydration and other serious consequences. In this article we will look at the main causes of vomiting during pregnancy, ways to prevent it, as well as treatment methods. The gag reflex of pregnant women is a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to changes in hormonal levels, a woman's body produces higher amounts of certain hormones during the first weeks of pregnancy, which leads to intense reflux when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. This can cause vomiting in pregnant women, especially early in pregnancy. Attacks of vomiting during pregnancy may be accompanied by abdominal pain, discomfort, weakness and other symptoms. The main cause of vomiting during pregnancy is hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by various factors:

1. Decrease in progesterone levels - this hormone plays an important role in maintaining pregnancy and preventing its termination. If progesterone levels drop, it can cause increased levels of uterine contractility, which can lead to cramping and vomiting.

2. Drinking alcohol - even small amounts of alcohol can cause increased secretion of gastric juice, which contributes to the development of nausea and vomiting. 3. Insufficient amount of enzymes and fluids - during pregnancy, the female body increases its consumption of water and nutrients, so it is necessary to drink more water to avoid dehydration. However, if a pregnant woman does not have enough enzymes to digest food, it causes nausea to develop. Additionally, drinking large amounts of oral fluid or caffeine may make these symptoms worse. 4. Various gastrointestinal diseases - Stomach diseases such as gastritis, esophageal ulcers and indigestion can be aggravated during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and mechanical conditions. There may also be disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas, which makes digestion difficult.

To prevent vomiting during pregnancy, you should follow proper nutrition rules and not overeat. It is necessary to eat only high-quality food, rich in vitamins and minerals, but in small portions. A healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol will help maintain the health of mother and child. Pregnant women can use special medications and herbal remedies to relieve the symptoms of vomiting. It is important not to ignore the urge to vomit, but to take precautions.