Watchala-Kappsa Method

Watchala-Kapps method: history, principles and application

The Watchful Waiting Method is a treatment method that was developed by doctors B. E. Watchal (1895-1971) and J. A. Capps (b. 1872) in the early 20th century. This method is based on observation and waiting for the body to cope with the disease itself, without using active medical measures.

History of the development of the method

At the beginning of the 20th century, doctors began to realize that some diseases could disappear on their own, without medical intervention. However, until that time, many of them were treated aggressively, which led to unwanted side effects and treatment failure. In the 1920s, B. E. Watchal and J. A. Capps began conducting research to determine the effectiveness of the wait-and-see method. They studied patients with various diseases, such as appendicitis, pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis and others. As a result, they found that in most cases the body copes with the disease on its own without requiring active treatment.

Principles of the method

The Votchal-Kapps method is based on careful observation of the patient and waiting for the natural outcome of the disease. The doctor may prescribe symptomatic treatment to reduce the symptoms of the disease, but do not use active treatment measures that can harm the body.

Application of the method

Currently, the votchala-kappsa method is used in medicine to treat a number of diseases, such as mild infections, influenza, acute bronchitis, tonsillitis, some types of gastritis and others. However, the method is not used in cases where there is rapid progression of the disease or where there is a risk of complications.

In conclusion, it can be said that the Votchala-Kappsa method is an effective and safe treatment method in certain cases where active treatment is not required. However, before using this method, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and assess the risk of complications.

The Watchla-Kappa method is a comprehensive approach to treatment based on combining kinesitherapy and muscle relaxation technologies. The method was created in the 20th century by researcher Ivan Ivanovich Dalyuk, who developed a unique set of exercises that facilitate rehabilitation. It is not for nothing that kinesitherapy is often compared to yoga for the body.

The main essence of kinesitherapy is to conduct training without stress on the spine, knee joint and hands. A gentle, smooth stretching of tendons, ligaments and muscles occurs under the supervision of experienced specialists. So the muscle mass is completely relaxed, pinching and compression of the muscle tissue are eliminated, blood circulation and lymph flow are restored. Patsi