Age Inbred

Inbreeding (from the Latin in - inside and brisco - I cross) is a form of artificial selection, the crossing of closely related individuals. Inbreeding occurs when hybrids self-pollinate or pollinate among themselves. Inbreeding results in homozygous individuals.

When breeding pure lines for laboratory research and experiments, the concept of “age of inbreeding” is used. Inbreeding age is the number of generations during which a line of animals has been propagated by mating only siblings.

Depending on the degree of inbreeding, several types of lines can be distinguished:

  1. Highly Inbreeding Line: In this line, all individuals are siblings. Such lines are usually used to produce pure experimental animals that do not have genetic mutations.
  2. A line with moderate inbreeding: in such a line, relatives are crossed, but not all individuals. Such lines can be used to study the genetic effects of inbreeding.
  3. Low inbreeding line: This is where individuals that are not related are crossed. Such lines are used to produce animals resistant to diseases.
  4. Zero-inbreeding line (isolates): in such lines, only individuals that do not have a common ancestor are crossed. Isolates are used to study evolution and genetics.

Thus, inbreeding is an important tool for breeding pure lines and for studying genetic and evolutionary processes.

The age of inbreeding is an important parameter that can affect the quality and efficiency of the experiment. This parameter refers to the number of generations in which sibling crosses are used to propagate animal lines. It is of great importance in the development of experimental pure lines that can be used to study various biological processes. In this article we will look at what inbred generation age is and how to use it in scientific research.

Definition of the concept Inbreeding age is the number of generations that have passed since the last crossing of the paternal and maternal lines to the current generation. This is important to consider when studying the genetic diversity of animal strains, as it can influence their health, behavior and productivity. For example, if an animal has been related to other animals through several generations, this can lead to a decrease in genetic diversity and a decrease in its immunity. Moreover, maintaining the genetic purity of a line can significantly reduce the risks of inbreeding, help preserve the genetic characteristics of these species, and prevent genetic degeneration of the lines.

Typically, scientific studies use inbreeding ages ranging from 3 to 7 generations for optimal efficiency. This difference is due to the fact that a lower number of generations, for example, does not allow most traits to be identified, which leads to bias in the study results. At the same time, with an increase in the number of generations, the probability of allele loss increases, and the reliability of determining the chromosome set of new individuals decreases.

Modern scientific genetic engineering and genomic sequencing laboratories use single samples of genomes. The genomic sequence provides information about the nucleotide sequence of genes, and