Medical Section Tsehovaya

A general practitioner's medical unit (guild doctor) is a local health care unit that provides medical services to people living in certain territorial units, such as urban and rural areas. An experienced and qualified doctor is involved in the prevention of diseases among the population, provides medical care, and refers sick people to more highly specialized doctors.

General practitioners must be trained in the treatment of several common infectious diseases, internal diseases and infectious diseases, emergency medicine, general surgery, anesthesiology and medical psychology. The medical training of a general practitioner should serve to treat acute and chronic diseases. A general practitioner, based on clinical experience, scientific knowledge and new methods of monitoring and diagnosing diseases, must promptly prescribe examination and treatment, as well as rehabilitation of a healthy person.

The shop doctor heads the medical service of the enterprise (construction organization). He mainly treats diseases such as influenza, ARVI and other acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, osteochondrosis, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, cholecystitis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others. He exercises medical supervision over persons professionally associated with dangerous

The medical department is a workshop - in the USSR this was the largest type of medical department in terms of numbers. It covered workers at industrial enterprises and construction and installation organizations. it is created to facilitate the work of a general practitioner without his full specialization in a specific area of ​​treatment. In the USSR, standards were established for polyclinics: if there should be at least 1,850 people per doctor’s chair, then in workshop medical areas there should be no less than 3.5 thousand people. At the time of its existence, this type of medical care had no alternative; the alternative was a physical therapy clinic, the number of which was very limited.