Moist matter, which has a certain hotness or is accompanied by a certain hotness, rushing towards the skin, sometimes becomes so liquid and rarefied that it dissipates and you cannot feel it. It is followed by the degree of liquid, that which dissolves into sweat, then that which dissolves and hardens in the form of dirt, and then that which lingers in the upper layers of the skin and from which arises, for example, dandruff, prickly heat and the like. . Then comes the matter, which lingers deeper, and if it is very malignant, it acts like fox disease and something like that, or lichen and safa. If it is less malignant, does not have an ichorous beginning in itself and accelerated, strong putrefaction does not rush to it, and if this matter is suitable for receiving life, then life flows out from the giver of life and lice appear that move and come out , and sometimes a lot of them appear at once. Often, the birth of lice is promoted by foods that are bad in themselves with good, delicate chyme, for example, figs, which move outward; their movement is facilitated by body movements that encourage this, especially if they are accompanied by the formation of vapors from the reproductive seed, as happens, for example, during copulation.
And sometimes the birth of lice is facilitated by neglect of cleanliness, washing, the use of something that opens the skin pores and encourages the juices locked in them to dissolve or introduces air, which prevents the juices from turning into something putrefactive or similar to putrefactive. Sometimes lice become so overwhelming that a person loses a lot of blood, his complexion turns yellow, his appetite disappears, his body loses weight and his strength drops.
If lice appear in abundance and do not stop multiplying, then the treatment should first of all cleanse the body, especially with the help of bloodletting, improve the diet and stop eating the dishes we mentioned that move the juices outward, then local medications are used. The patient is helped by constant bathing and maintaining cleanliness, and if he always bathes first in fresh water and then in salt water, it will be better; he should often change clothes and dress in silk and linen fabrics.
Sometimes the patient takes medicine, and it kills the lice - for example, garlic with a decoction of mountain mint. As for local medicines, they must be drying, dissolving and drawing outwards, and if the matter is more significant, then they must be given poisonous properties. Among the local medicines are sumac with olive oil, as well as sorrel, its leaves and its root, or alum with olive oil, or pomegranate leaves, or coloquinth leaves, or myrtle leaves, or cypress leaves, or flax leaves, or fragrant reeds, or Chinese cinnamon. Safflower oil is beneficial and prevents the appearance of lice, radish oil works wonderfully, as do Ceylon cinnamon peels, aristolochia, saliva, marshmallow root, thyme, Dubrovnik polyum, anise, dictamn, nettle seed, Chernobyl, wild cumin.
Good composition. They take pastes from poppy - three dirhams, bush - half a dirham, bavrak - dirham and starch - as much as everything else, mix with nura and smear with it.
Good washes include a decoction of lupine - this is an excellent, strong remedy, as well as a decoction of sumac, a decoction of tamarisk, a decoction of mountain mint, a decoction of cypress leaves and pine leaves; if the washes contain diuretics, they work very well. Of the fumigations, fumigation with kachim, larkspur, arsenic and, especially, succus and sulfur is useful.
Here is one of the strong medicines: take larkspur, red arsenic and bavrac, grind all this with vinegar and olive oil and lubricate the head, or use white hellebore, bavrac and oleander leaves with olive oil, or coloquinta leaves, or take mustard and cachima in grated form , pour a little vinegar on them and then kill the mercury in this composition by rubbing. This is a strong remedy, like the one prepared from sulfur, arsenic, aristolochia, oak ash, bush and myrrh.
They also take kachim, red arsenic, long aristolochia kitran and cow bile - in such quantities as to mix other medicines - this is an excellent ointment - or they take kitran, gentian, arsenic and iris oil, or larkspur, oleander leaves and Yemenite alum. Or they are smeared in a bath with such an ointment, paste from horned poppy - one part, bavrak - half a part, bush - one part, starch - as much as everything else, they are smeared with this, after adding nura and kneading the composition in vinegar. Taking these medicines after fumigation, for example, with kachim and larkspur, is even better, especially if you start with washes like those mentioned above.