Eyelash loss

The eyelashes fall out either from a material cause or from a local cause. The cause emanating from matter arises due to a decrease in its quantity, as, for example, towards the end of acute, severe illnesses, or because matter is spoiled by some impurity during the growth of eyelashes, as, for example, with fox disease. Loss of eyelashes occurs due to the accumulation of pungent or salty moisture, or moisture with the properties of bavrak, on the inside of the eyelid. so that noticeable damage appears on the eyelid, but it causes harm to the eyelashes. As for local causes, they include very obvious damage, such as hardening or thickening, so that the hair-producing steam cannot pass through. Or there is swelling or corrosion, as indicated by itching and severe burning.

Treatment. In the case that depends on the local cause, treat local damage in the manner indicated in its place for the corresponding type. As for the case when the cause is the absence of matter, one must first treat it with means that invigorate the body and strengthen it with nutrition. Then they use medicines that attract the hair-creating matter to the eyelids; these drugs are mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia and in the headings of simple drugs. In the case that occurs from unspoiled moisture, cleanse the head and cleanse the corresponding organ, and then use products intended for hair. Useful powders are prepared from Armenian stone and lapis lazuli. Compound medicines include date kernel powder with incense, mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. Or they take burnt date seeds - three dirhams, spikenard - two dirhams and prepare a powder from them.

The tested remedies include the following: grind black sumbul into powder and apply it to the eyelids using a needle. They also make powder from burnt or unburnt mouse feces with honey, especially if the disease comes from sulak. Or they take grape clay, saffron, Rum sumbul - and this is Celtic - in equal parts and prepare a powder from them. A proven remedy for eyelash loss associated with itching, trachoma, redness and corrosion is pomegranate, boiled in vinegar as a whole with all its parts and applied to the sore spot. All adhesive substances are also useful. Then, for the same disease, they take kalimiyya, kalkatar and vitriol in equal parts, grind them and consume them. The following also belongs to the correct remedies: take burnt hare feces - eight dirhams and goat feces - three dirhams, grind them and apply them to the eyelid. Or they prepare a powder from dried headless flies, or burn hazelnuts, grind them and knead them with goat or bear fat and smear the sore spot, because this makes the eyelashes grow and, moreover, blackens them. They also take one part of red-hot sulfurous antimony, one part of pepper, four parts of burnt and washed lead, four parts of saffron, three parts of spikenard, two parts of burnt date seeds and prepare a powder from them.