Vaginal prolapse

Vaginal prolapse is a serious gynecological condition that can cause discomfort and discomfort in women. This phenomenon is characterized by the fact that the genitals move downwards, usually through the entrance to the pelvis or perineum. In some cases, this occurs temporarily during childbirth, but if the body does not recover properly or the disease progresses, the loss may last longer.

**Causes of vaginal prolapse may include:**

Infections, inflammation and other medical conditions. Pregnancy and childbirth. Congenital malformations. Stress, overwork and poor rest. Chronic fatigue and stress. Hard physical work. Lack of personal hygiene.

Vaginal prolapse is a common gynecological problem that can be caused by various factors, including childbirth and age-related changes. This problem can lead to discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, as well as other problems with urination and bowel movements.

Causes of vaginal prolapse may include childbirth, drug or alcohol use, pregnancy, certain medications, aging, and factors related to anatomy. Symptoms can vary depending on the extent of the prolapse and the factors that influence its severity. For example, loss of a leaflet or fold may have less of an impact on sexual function, while deeper prolapse may result in impaired sexual function.

Many women suffering from vaginal prolapse are embarrassed to discuss their problem, but it is necessary to do so in order to begin treatment. There are various treatment methods, including Kegel exercises, hormone treatment