Heart Top Tenderloin

The apical notch is a small depression at the top of the heart that lies in front of the opening of the aorta. This area is an important part of the cardiovascular system as it plays a role in maintaining blood pressure and blood circulation throughout the body.

**Functions of the apex of the heart** - The notch of the apex of the heart serves as the starting point for the movement of blood along the entire heart. It provides the connection between the chambers of the heart and provides the necessary volume of blood to meet the body's needs. - Also, due to the protrusion of the apex of the heart, blood coming from the lungs can be pumped into the aorta, which leads to the rest of the body.

The cutting of the apex occurs at the time of intrauterine development of the fetus, when the walls of the heart begin to grow and develop. The size and shape of the apex of the heart are hereditary and can serve as one of the factors influencing the development of other parts of the heart.

Although the apex is a small part of the heart, it is essential to the health and well-being of the entire body. Therefore, if you are experiencing any health problems related to the apex of the heart, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.