
Pushing is a technique used in dentistry to force a tooth out of the jaw using a special orthodontic device. This may be necessary when a tooth has been forcefully pushed into the jaw due to injury or other reasons.

The ejection procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia to reduce the patient's discomfort. The doctor uses a special device that is attached to the tooth and puts pressure on it, pushing it out of the jaw.

After the extraction procedure, the tooth can be restored using orthodontic appliances or surgery. It is important to note that ejection is a last resort and should only be used in cases where other treatments have failed.

In general, pushing can be an effective treatment, but its use should only be done under the supervision of an experienced dentist.

Extrusion or extrusion: how is it?

Extrusion is a procedure used in dentistry to pull a tooth outward from the jaw bone. This method is a safe and effective way to remove teeth that are too close to adjacent teeth or other oral structures.

What is pushing used for? There are various reasons why extrusion is used in dental practice. One of the most common is a violation of the natural shape and arrangement of teeth. This can be caused by various factors such as heredity, injury, and malocclusion.

Another reason for using this method is the need to remove teeth for prosthetics or installation of implants. The dentist may recommend an extrusion if the tooth is on its way to receiving an artificial denture.

Pushing is also used to correct malocclusion. This procedure helps return teeth to the correct position and create the correct