Bloating in the uterus and recognizing it

Often the first cause of swelling and winds in the uterus is a blow, a fall, etc., so that the nature of the uterus weakens, and sometimes it is a difficult birth, eversion of the uterine mouth and a strong predominance of cold, clogging the mouth of the uterus and locking the winds in its cavity or in the spaces between the fibers or in its corners. Constipation in the spaces is the worst, followed by constipation in the corners and then in the uterine cavity.

Signs. Sometimes constipation of the winds in the uterus and in its fibers intensifies to such an extent that the pain from distension reaches the extreme, spreads to the groins and rises to the thighs, to the obstruction and to the stomach. The winds have a drum-like sound, as in edema tympani, and sometimes they move and are accompanied by cutting, beating and tingling. All this is calmed by poultices with hot medicines and returns with the return of cold; when pressed, the winds are resolved by rumbling and from them the pubis protrudes. Sometimes such winds remain for life, but they claim that the uterus’s embrace of the seed dissipates these winds as if they had never happened.

Treatment. For this, it is beneficial to drink lugaziyya and shajazaniyya in a decoction of medicinal roots and seeds after emptying the body and uterus of bloating-causing matter through, mainly, iyaraja fikra, and if the disease has become chronic, then with the help of iyaraja Archigen; Kalkalanaj oil is also very useful in this case. Sometimes candles are inserted into the vagina, for example, from bdellia, from balsam tree wood and its grains with spikenard oil and rue oil, or the uterus is poured with rue oil or dill oil, and sometimes bandages prepared, for example, from rue and twig seeds are applied to the uterus , cumin, centaury santolinum, Chernobyl, marjoram, anise, mint, Ceylon cinnamon, azhgon and other seeds. Or the woman is placed in the water in which the medicines for the mentioned bandages were boiled, and sometimes she is fumigated with hot spices or kept in jars of fire on the pubic area and on the area of ​​the uterus.