Wax strips

Wax strips

Country of origin: France
Pharm-Group: Hair removal products

Manufacturers: Reckitt and Colman (France)
International name: Hair removal wax
Synonyms: Hair removal wax, Dermo-Tolerance, Sawdust, Cold hair removal wax
Dosage forms: "Viit" for hair removal, packages of 10 pcs.

Wax strips are strips coated with wax that are designed to remove unwanted hair from the surface of the skin. Manufactured in France by Reckitt and Colman. They belong to the group of hair removal products. They are sold under the international name “Epilation wax”, as well as under the trademarks “Dermo-Tolerance”, “Opilka”, “Cold hair removal wax”. Available in packs of 10 pieces called "Viit".