Wedge Comb

The sphenoid crest is one of the most important structures in the human skull. It is located at the back of the skull and is a sphenoid bone, which is shaped like a triangle. The wedge-shaped ridge consists of two parts: upper and lower. The upper part of the sphenoid crest is located on the front of the skull, and the lower part is located on the back.

The wedge-shaped ridge plays an important role in the human body. It is part of the respiratory system and is involved in the formation of the nasal cavity. In addition, the sphenoid crest is involved in the formation of the temporal bone and is an important structure for hearing.

In addition, the sphenoid ridge can be damaged by injury or disease, such as tumors or infections. In such cases, surgery may be required to restore the sphenoid ridge.

Therefore, sphenoid ridge is important to human health and should be carefully examined and diagnosed if necessary.

The sphenoid ridge is an anatomical formation that is located in the human skull and performs an important function for his health and vital functions. An example of the most important clinical application of the sphenoid ridge is the sinus, a small canal at the base of the skull. The sinus, filled with air, is constantly connected to the nasal cavity and serves as the main passage of air through the brain. Diseases of the sphenoid sinus can lead to a complication called lateral foramen syndrome, characterized by headaches and increased sensitivity in the temporal bones and sinuses.

The sphenoid sinus has a unique anatomical structure: it opens on the anterior surface of the sphenoid bone, located on the lateral side of the facial part of the skull. On the lateral surface of the bone there is a wedge-shaped foramen - a space that is the entrance to the sphenoid sinus. This opening is closed by the sphenoid fossa, which limits the large volume of the sphenoid process. Inside the sphenoid processes there is a dorsal fossa - the second entrance to the sphenoid sinuses.

The main clinical use of the wedge rib is the surgical treatment of multiple myeloma. This tumor attacks bone cells as well as themocytes in the bone marrow, which can lead to bone destruction. Thus, due to increased calcium in the blood, the bones become soft and patients require surgery to remove the affected bones. In cases where the patient has to remove the affected bones due to the extensive spread of the tumor, the surgeon uses a wedge-shaped frontal lobre. In other words, the wedge rib is cut from the patient's healthy bone to prevent destruction and re-infection of the bone structures.