Wegner's osteochondritis

Weger's osteochondiritis is a degenerative process in the bones in which the destruction of bone tissue begins and, as a result, pain, limitation of movement or inflammation of the joints may occur. The source of degeneration is a violation of blood supply and the deposition of calcium salts in the bone matrix, which leads to changes in bone structure. IN

Wegner's osteochonditis is a rare skeletal disease that occurs as the separation of bone from cartilage in the vertebrae and facet joints. This disease can cause severe pain and loss of motor function in the affected areas. In this article we will look at the definition of Wegner's osteochondritis, its symptoms, causes and treatment of this disease.

Wegner's osteochonditis is usually an incidental finding on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging in patients who develop spinal osteochondrosis. The diagnosis is made if a detachment of cartilage tissue from the bone is detected, and a certain sequence of markers and areas of damage is observed. The presence of a sequential lesion from the center of the vertebra to the periphery is one of the key features that distinguishes Wegner's osteochondritis from other skeletal diseases. This lesion is reflected in the form of fracture or erosion of the vertebrae. With the increase in clinical symptoms, multiple manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis occur in 40% of cases, and in the remaining 60% there is only one localization of spinal protrusion or one focus of osteolysis.

The main cause of Wegner's osteochondropathy is heredity. However, there are cases of the disease when a person suffers from an idiopathic osteochondropathy process. Production of growth factors regulated by fibrosin during osteochondria