What Babies Are Sad About

What are babies sad about?

The baby has stopped walking, lies quietly in the crib, does not spin or fuss. The eyes are sad and sad all day, he is silent about something. Mom already somehow feels uneasy. Can babies and young children feel sad? And how to explain this unexpected sadness?

In fact, there is no need to get scared and panic right away. The child learns about the world, develops, and develops new emotions that need to be recognized. He probably has something to think about, doesn't he? It’s another matter if apathy and sadness last for more than one day and then repeat. At the same time, if there are no external signs of ill health in the baby.

In any case, now you are concerned about this unusual behavior of your, usually very active and cheerful, baby. Try to exclude sores - tummy, teeth. Be sure to take the child's temperature and count the pulse. Still, lethargy and lack of appetite are the first signs of a disease that has crept into the body.

If the child is still sad or this condition recurs with some regularity, you should promptly contact a specialist - a pediatrician, neurologist, or even a psychiatrist. Perhaps the baby simply senses your anxiety and therefore continues to behave this way. But if it is something more serious, it is necessary to understand it in a timely manner and take appropriate measures.

As a rule, in most cases, by the evening of the same day the baby is walking around and begins to react more cheerfully to everything. And mommy’s worries go away. What was the little philosopher thinking about, what serious problems was he solving? No one knows about this except him... But if you see that something is wrong with your child, pay him attention, tell him how much you love him. After all, perhaps this is exactly what he needs.