What diseases do wrinkles tell about?

The first wrinkles in women appear at the age of about 25 years; they mainly arise due to active facial expressions and do not indicate health problems. But at an older age, the appearance of wrinkles in certain places may indicate the presence of diseases of the internal organs. Today we will talk about how to calculate your “wrinkle map”!

The causes of wrinkles on the skin are tears and damage to the connective elastic fibers of collagen and elastin - two of the most important components of human skin. With age, the skin loses elasticity, ceases to retain moisture, and metabolic processes are disrupted. This leads to changes in the surface layers of the skin and the appearance of small and large wrinkles.

But the first wrinkles can appear as early as 20-25 years old; they arise due to active movements of the facial muscles when talking, laughing, the habit of wrinkling the nose or frowning the eyebrows. Where wrinkles appear may depend on the state of health of internal organs, and indicate what problems should be paid attention to.


  1. if there are many small horizontal wrinkles along the entire height of the forehead, this is most likely the result of chronic stress and the frequent headaches caused by it;
  2. if the skin of the forehead is quite dense, and the wrinkles on it are deep beyond age, this may indicate problems with the kidneys;
  3. a “lattice” of grooves on the forehead indicates problems with the liver;
  4. the fold between the eyebrows indicates possible sinusitis.


  1. vertical wrinkles above the upper lip can indicate hormonal and gynecological problems, as well as intestinal diseases;
  2. a deep wrinkle between the lip and nose indicates a heart valve defect, which is usually of rheumatic origin;
  3. a deep and elongated nasolabial fold on both sides is the most important sign of increased stress on the heart and circulatory organs;
  4. multiple wrinkles on the cheekbones indicate reduced function of the stomach and pancreas;
  5. a transverse wrinkle on the chin may be a sign of congestion at the level of the liver or pelvis.


  1. “crow’s feet” may be a signal that you should pay attention to the gallbladder and stomach, or may be the result of frequent squinting of myopic people;
  2. folds on the upper eyelids may indicate heart problems;
  3. a network of wrinkles under the eyes may indicate a lack of vitamins or insomnia;
  4. wrinkles under the eyes in the shape of a crescent - possible problems with the bladder;
  5. swelling of the upper eyelids indicates that there are problems with the kidneys.

It is believed that lines on the face can tell not only about health, but also about a person’s character. And according to one version, by taking care of your skin - using cosmetic procedures or regular facial exercises, and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, you can improve your health, that is, start the process of changes in a positive direction.