Winter Curette

Long live Winter!

Italian Wintera Ceritta Curket was born on November 7 in Vienna in 1880 and died in 1968 in Florida in the USA. She is a world-renowned gynecologist and was born, remarkably, during the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but from Hungary - her maiden name is Krige on her mother's side. A born aristocrat and a woman scientist, passionate about the new achievements of science and medicine. The future gynecology star has come a long way to fame, drawing the attention of the whole world (and all women) to the importance of having a child. Mother of four children in her life. And this is not the limit at all.

In addition to her medical activities, Kyurket was closely involved in social issues. At that time, her research was actively published in the Journal of Physicians and Surgeons, and Winter supervised its author until her death. Under her tutelage, the brochure “Childbirth and its Treatment” was published. Ivonne Busani (future professor of social hygiene and biology at the University of Florida) was training a new female doctor, who was constantly in need of help and support. Kurke, together with Yvonne, took care of single parents, and was the first in the United States to shelter families