
A wound is damage to an organ or tissue, usually caused by an external physical force.

Examples of wounds include tissue tears, cuts, punctures and burns. Tissue ruptures can occur due to blunt objects, pressure, or stretching. Cuts are caused by sharp objects such as a knife or glass. Punctures are small holes made by a sharp object, such as a needle. Burns occur from high temperatures, chemicals, electricity or radiation.

Wounds vary in depth and size. Superficial wounds affect only the upper layers of the skin. Deep wounds penetrate deeper tissue, muscle, tendon, or bone. Minor wounds have a small area, while large wounds cover a large area.

Treatment of wounds depends on their type and severity. Small superficial wounds usually heal on their own. More serious wounds require cleaning, stitches, or dressings to close the wound and prevent infection. Some deep wounds require surgery. Proper care and treatment is very important for wound healing and preventing complications.

What is a wound? The term “wound” combines all injuries in which the integrity and function of tissues are disrupted. The most common forms of damage are wounds of mechanical damage (surgical, gunshot), and fire. In many sources, wounds are understood only as mechanical damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue (superficial wounds). This also includes cases of damage to muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels from one centimeter in diameter.

Types of wounds and their characteristics Depending on where the wound is formed, it can have the following types: 1. Wounds of the head and neck (bone fractures, bruises, concussions, open wounds of the neck); 2. Chest (gunshot, knife, stab, chopped, blind, penetrating, non-penetrating wounds); 3. Belly (knife, gunshot

Article on the topic "Wounds"


Injuries caused by impact on the human body are called wounds. Wounds often lead to deep tissue damage and disruption of their functions. Many types of injuries are considered temporary; however, if left untreated, they quickly become chronic and can have a serious impact on a person’s life. This article will talk about wounds, their symptoms and treatment, as well as complications.

**Chapter 1. Types of wounds:** Depending on the nature of the damage, there are several types of wounds. * Burns, open wounds, are injuries to the skin caused by the burning of tissue by an open flame or hot substance. Such injuries can have both superficial and deep consequences, including the death of tissue structures. The progression of a burn can vary: from minor redness of the skin to tissue necrosis. * There are several degrees of burns of varying severity. Depending on the depth of the injury, bacterial infections may enter the wound, increasing the risk of serious complications. Unfortunately, incorrect first aid, namely treating the burn with a sterile antiseptic and removing clothing from the injured surface, increases the risk of necrosis and tissue death. To reduce the risk, you need to clean the affected areas with an antiseptic, and then prevent repeated contact with the damage. - Primary therapy consists of applying a wet bandage: a gauze cloth soaked in medication should be applied to the injured area and an elastic bandage wrapped around it. As the bandage dries, the bandage should be repeated. *