
There are many diseases in the world that we have never heard of or even think are just nonsense made up by mad scientists. There are some in the medical field. People suffer, humbly sit in a wheelchair, but do not put an end to their lives ahead of time, even if they were prescribed one medicine that would cure them for many years.

Xanthelasmas are benign skin formations that can appear on the eyelids, lips, cheeks, and forehead. They appear as yellowish-white spots that are usually flat and raised. The appearance of these formations is accompanied by an increased concentration of fats in the blood (hyperlipoproteinemia). People experiencing an excess of these components in their body may encounter a problem such as xanthelam. Xanthelamas are accompanied by fatty degeneration in the wall of blood vessels and can affect blood circulation. Because of this, the development of atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, atheroscleritis and other cardiovascular problems is possible. As a result of this influence, blood vessels become thickened, and their lumen narrows due to the process of infiltration of the walls with lipids. To delete