Kharnub - carob tree, Tsaregrad horns

The best horns are Syrian, dried.

Nabatean horns are drier and colder than Syrian ones.

Actions and properties.
The Syrian carob tree, as well as its fruit, is dried and strongly knitted, but the fruit has a sweetness and at the same time it strengthens. Nabataean horns are drier, have a stronger drying effect and do not cause a burning sensation. The Nabateans eat it fresh; the juice they generate is bad and heavy.

If you rub the warts hard with unripe Nabataean horns, they will completely reduce them.

Organs of the head.
Rinsing your mouth with a decoction is good for toothache.

Nutritional organs.
Fresh Syrian horns are harmful to the stomach and are not digested, while dry ones are very slowly digested and deflated. Galen says: “if this tree had not been brought to us, but had been exported to other countries.” Wild carob pods are good for jaundice.

Eruption organs.
Sitting in their decoction strengthens the anus; they drive urine, especially those boiled with condensed grape juice. Fresh Syrian horns loosen, while dry ones strengthen and are useful against diarrhea. Nabatean horns in the form of food or candles help with excessive menstruation, and wild carob pods are good for intestinal pain and diarrhea.