Xasak - anchors

Wild hasak is more earthy, and garden hasak is more watery, but in general it consists of a wet substance, the coldness of which is not great, and a dry substance, the coldness of which is not low.

Both types of hasak, according to Dioscorides, are cold and dry, while others say that they are hot at the beginning of the first degree and dry to the same degree. Their nature is similar to the nature of the Khasak in our country.

Actions and properties.
It retards the outpouring of matter, being astringent, promoting ripening and softening.

Tumors and acne.
Hasak prevents the formation of hot tumors and the influx of matter. It is good for tumors in the throat.

Wounds and ulcers.
Khasak with honey helps against old ulcers in meat.

Organs of the head.
Hasak is good for rotten gum ulcers.

Organs of the eye.
Squeezed Hasaka juice is included in eye powders.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Hasak helps against tumors that cause the muscles to close the throat.

Eruption organs.
Hasak and its squeezed juice increase lust and crush stones in the kidneys and bladder. It helps with difficulty urinating and urination.

Two dirhams of wild hasak fruits cure the bite of a viper, and two darakhmi of the same species in wine cure deadly poisons. The room is sprayed with its decoction, and this kills fleas.