Hitmi - marshmallow

Its name in Greek is derived from the word “multi-useful”.

Moderately hot.

Actions and properties.
This medicine is emollient, ripening, relaxing and absorbable; its seeds and roots have the same strength as grass and even stronger, and they are more dry and thinner.

They smear the bahak with it, mixed with vinegar, and force the patient to sit in the sun. Its seeds are stronger in this regard.

Tumors and acne.
Marshmallow softens tumors and prevents their formation, resolves blood tumors, causes the ripening of abscesses and is very helpful with tumors from bloating and with “mumps.” It is introduced into the vagina with terebinth gum for hardening of the uterus and applied with sulfur for “mumps.”

Tools with joints.
It soothes joint pain, especially when mixed with goose fat, and is useful for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, tremors in the limbs, tears in the muscles in the middle and tension in the nerves.

Organs of the head.
If you make medicinal dressings out of it, it helps against tumors that form in the ear glands.

Organs of the eye.
It resolves bloating and swelling affecting the eyelids.

Breast organs.
Its seeds help with hot cough, facilitate expectoration and prevent hemoptysis due to its astringent power. Marshmallow leaves are useful for tumors of the female breast and are included in medicinal dressings for pleurisy and pneumonia.

Nutritional organs.
Its gum quenches thirst.

Eruption organs.
A decoction of marshmallow root helps if you drink it for a burning sensation in the bladder, as well as for a burning sensation in the intestines and for tumors in the anus. Marshmallow leaves, which are also used for malignant diarrhea, have a similar effect. Its seeds with terebinth gum are introduced into the vagina when the uterus hardens and contracts. A decoction of marshmallow seeds alone clears away postpartum discharge, and a decoction of its root and especially its seeds helps, if given with wine, with difficulty urinating and with stones in the bladder. Marshmallow seeds and gum seal the stomach.

If you smear marshmallow with vinegar and olive oil, it protects against harm caused by reptiles; a decoction of it with diluted vinegar or wine, I believe, is useful in a liquid ointment for bee stings.

Instead of medicinal marshmallow root, you can use wild marshmallow root, and instead of its leaves, use its root.