Poison Cadaveric

Corpse poison is a term developed by the imagination or emanating from superstition, denoting certain poisonous substances and substances that either come from the corpses of dead people, or are a legacy of such events and, at the slightest opportunity, cause harm to living beings, including people. Such “poisonous” fantasies have a long history and occurred at different stages of our civilization. This term is not supported by any scientific knowledge, but many people believe this type of poisoning is quite real. The term "cadaveric poison" was invented many centuries ago with the emergence of belief in ghosts and evil spirits. Often, most of the legends and stories about wandering souls and evil came from ominous tales and mysterious rumors of accidents or deaths. People believed that the soul of the victim continued to exist after death, and the body in which she lived contained particles of her blood, entrails and other organs and