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Jadasson skin test: what is it and why is it done?

The Jadassohn skin test, also known as the iodine phenomenon, is a skin test that diagnoses certain diseases. This method was developed by the German dermatologist Jadasson at the beginning of the 20th century and is still widely used in dermatology.

Jadassohn's principle of skin testing is to apply an iodine solution to the skin and observe the reaction. If the skin reacts to iodine, this may indicate the presence of certain skin diseases.

For example, the Jadassohn skin test can be useful in diagnosing psoriasis, lichen, atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases. If these diseases are present, the skin will react to iodine and form characteristic spots or plaques.

The Jadassohn skin test procedure is usually performed by a dermatologist in a clinic or clinic. To carry out the test, an iodine solution is applied to the skin and left on the skin for several minutes. The presence of a skin reaction to iodine is then assessed.

Although the Jadassohn skin test is a useful method for examining the skin, it should be remembered that it is not a completely accurate diagnostic method. To accurately diagnose skin diseases, additional research and consultation with a specialist are often required.

Overall, the Jadassohn skin test is an important tool in dermatology that helps doctors diagnose and treat various skin conditions. If you have skin problems, consult a dermatologist who can help you determine further treatment.

The Yadasson skin test is one of the tests to determine the presence of a malignant tumor in the body. It is a very sensitive and specific test. The entire process of conducting the test takes little time, which makes it necessary when receiving a large number of patients in a short period of time.
