
Toxicity is the ability of some substances, organisms or phenomena to cause harm to living beings, including humans. Toxic substances can cause various diseases, which can result in death. Some types of toxic substances can be hazardous to the environment, which can also lead to negative consequences.

Toxicity is a property of chemical compounds that can harm human or animal health. Toxic substances can cause various symptoms of poisoning, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and others. They can also lead to serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease.

Toxic substances can be of natural or artificial origin. Natural poisons can be caused by plants, animals or the environment such as snakes, scorpions, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc. Man-made poisons can be produced by humans for industrial, agricultural or military use.

To protect yourself from toxic substances, precautions must be taken, such as wearing protective clothing and footwear, avoiding contact with poisonous plants and animals, and following safety precautions when working with chemicals. In addition, it is important to monitor your health and consult a doctor at the first signs of poisoning.

In conclusion, toxicity is a serious problem for human health and the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to protect against toxic substances and follow safety rules when using them.