Kernel Intermediate

The intermediate nucleus is one of the types of nuclei in the human body. It is located between the skin and muscles, as well as between muscles and internal organs.

The intermediate nucleus plays an important role in the regulation of body temperature, metabolism and other processes in the body. It is also involved in the formation of immunity and protecting the body from infections.

However, if the nucleus intermedia is damaged or infected, it can lead to various diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and others. Therefore, to maintain health, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the intermediate nucleus and take measures to protect it.

Overall, the nucleus intermedius is an important element of our body, and its health is of great importance for our well-being.

The nucleus intermediate, or interstitial phase, in the development of the human embryo occurs between the formation of one layer of cells of the yolk sac wall, or the outer cell wall or ciliary sac, and the beginning of segmentation.

At this time (6 - 7 days after conception), the future gastrointestinal tube is formed in the embryonic person, but its cells have not yet begun the process of mitosis, and the embryo looks like a huge zygotic sac, consisting of two blastomeres containing genetic material such as mother and father. At this very time, a place for the genitourinary system of the future baby begins to form; it is formed in the area of ​​​​the already formed chord, which will soon divide into two separate rudiments in each of the future organs. That is, at an earlier stage, all developing structures of the fetus, with the exception of sexual characteristics, will be the same for any female or male person. Toward the end of 28 days, the human embryo delarizes and forms spaces between the two largest cells, called bivalents, in the midgut region. These bivalent cells will serve as the basis for the future brain, heart, kidneys, liver and many other organs. This fetus ends the previous period of development or egg-blastula, and the next one, in relation to the previous one, begins - the visceral placental-chorionic stage of development.