
Nursery - kindergarten "XXX" provides care and supervision services for children aged 1 to 6 years. Our nursery garden has all the necessary conditions for the development of children, including a play area, an art studio, a music room and a gym. Each day begins with physical exercise, and then the children play

Many parents still believe that at the age of four, a child must be placed in a nursery. Some send him to kindergarten until he is three years old, some send him even earlier...

Have you thought about whether you should send your baby to a nursery at all? What could be wrong?

The problem is that a nursery may not be suitable for a child for various reasons. In private nurseries, as a rule, they do everything to provide the best care for babies; moreover, such nurseries are attractive in appearance and quality of the interior, as well as well-trained employees. But government institutions can shock children with untidy restrooms, lack of toys and other little things on which the success of the children’s adaptation process depends. It also happens that children simply refuse to go to government. a kindergarten to which for some reason they themselves do not want to go, even if the best teacher is added to it and will be waiting for you there. Most likely, such methods fall into the category of “unwelcome”, for example, children will stand all day in the playroom and yell because the baby is in silence.. So let’s take a closer look at choosing a place. It depends on where the child sits how much he receives per square meter - in a private kindergarten it is more, in a municipal kindergarten there is also a lot, but also much less than even in an ordinary apartment. The child must move and play a lot; if he sits indoors, waiting on a high chair until his mother comes home, then he will be disturbed by such things as stains on the floor and furniture. In general, there is a small playground on the floor of the room, on which the kids play for 2 hours every two hours. That is, in the nursery there is only such a small sandbox, where you can’t really make Easter cakes. Without even paying attention to other aspects. In state kindergartens and special kindergartens for children with special needs, they say that this way children get tired at home and it is easier to adapt them to kindergarten - this is true! Where there is no quiet half hour of rest before bed (once every six months), kids spend a huge amount of time, which none of them always uses. In nurseries, such half-hour breaks are usually provided, but are they worth attention? Further, there is an opinion that children with special needs first need to undergo adaptation and “get on their feet” in an ordinary kindergarten, otherwise after, for example, a difficult period of adaptation in a kindergarten for people with special needs, it will be easier to take the child to a special kindergarten. However, in current realities, children from ordinary kindergartens are transferred to specialized correctional