Phenomena occurring in convalescents

Sometimes those who are recovering have a return of the disease if what we talked about in the paragraph on return happens to them. They experience a strengthening or weakening of their strength in connection with what has been said regarding their regime, and sometimes the food they take does not benefit them and their strength does not return to them because of it. Sometimes they develop abscesses if the body has not been cleared of juices by emptying, and sometimes rotting occurs in some organ, as matter rushes there.

In some cases they develop illnesses that are the opposite of those they had before, if doctors have been overzealous in combating them; so, for example, when cooling and hydration exceed the limit, those who are convalescing experience heaviness in the tongue, paralysis, cold kulanj, sakta, epileptic, constant headache, migraine, and the like. Often they begin to itch, which is soothed by warm water, and sometimes the hair turns white, since the hair is deprived of nutrition and the natural moisture that keeps it black is dissipated, just like what happens to crops, which, when dry, turn white. Then, when the condition of the patients improves, the hair turns black again, as again happens with crops; if you water them, their greenery returns.