Ulcer Double

A stomach ulcer (sometimes a duodenal ulcer is also found) is nothing more than a duodenal ulcer. It can occur in both chronic and acute forms.

The fundamental difference between these forms is as follows:

- with a chronic ulcer, healing of the tissue defect occurs only after prolonged, direct exposure to “fire”. Here the healing factor affects only the secretion of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid. The damaged layer is regenerated only after a direct “thermal” factor is applied to it; - in case of an acute duodenal ulcer, “smart” the body through direct application of “fire” to heal. And the healing process itself occurs without the participation of the gastric factor. In this case, the first factor should be the brine solution. As a result, it is worth noting that a regular ulcer, like a double ulcer, can also manifest itself in the same way in any part of the digestive tract.