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Tongue holder: a reliable tool for surgical operations

In modern medicine, tongue surgery has become more common, especially in the fields of otolaryngology and dentistry. Such procedures require precision, safety and ease of operation, and one of the key tools that ensures these criteria is the tongue holder.

A tongue depressor is a special instrument designed to grasp, pull and hold a patient's tongue during surgical procedures. It ensures accessibility and visibility of the surgical field, allowing the doctor to effectively work with the tongue and at the same time prevent its movement, which in turn reduces the risk of damage to the tongue and possible bleeding.

The main components of the tongue depressor include a ratchet clamp and jaws of various shapes. The clip is usually made of metal and is ergonomically designed for a comfortable and secure grip on the tongue. The clamp allows you to adjust the degree of compression of the clamp depending on the needs of the operation.

The jaws located at the end of the tongue holder are one of the key elements of this tool. They can have different shapes such as rectangular, oval or conical depending on the preference and requirement of the doctor. The sponges are usually coated with a soft material such as silicone to prevent trauma to the tongue and provide comfort to the patient.

When using a tongue depressor, the doctor carefully inserts the sponges into the patient's mouth and secures the clamp, ensuring that the tongue is securely held. This allows the surgeon to freely manipulate instruments and perform the operation without obstacles such as tongue movement or unpredictable reflexes.

The tongue holder is an integral part of surgical instruments in many medical institutions. It is easy to use, reliable and effective, making it an essential tool for tongue surgeons.

It is important to note that the use of a tongue depressor requires certain skills and appropriate training on the part of medical personnel. The physician must be attentive and careful to avoid damage to the tongue, teeth, or other tissues during the procedure.

In conclusion, the tongue depressor is an essential tool in tongue and oral surgery. It provides convenience and safety during surgical operations, allowing the doctor to effectively work with the patient's tongue. A variety of jaw shapes and an adjustable ratchet make the tongue depressor a universal tool, and its ease of use and reliability make it an indispensable assistant for doctors. However, it must be remembered that the use of a tongue depressor requires experience and skill to avoid possible damage and ensure patient safety.

The question of the advisability of using clamping devices for grasping, holding and moving the tongue is actively discussed in the surgical literature. This is explained by the complexity of the morphological features of the anatomical formation. A large number of surgical procedures