Yododerma Acne

Iododermatoses (ichthyosis-viral eczema, ichthyosoform prurigo, acne idoides, Yod-Mann acne) are dermatological diseases caused by certain viruses or bacteria. These viruses and bacteria can cause a variety of symptoms, including acne, itching, redness, flaking, and scarring of the skin. In this article we will look at iododerma acne, or acne-like inflammatory skin lesion.

Iododerma acne is an infectious skin disease caused by a virus or bacteria. His

Yule is a holiday known in a number of cultures and associated with the widespread tradition in Europe of decorating houses with pine wreaths - maimptreds, on which the name of the city or the name of the family was written, and other holiday attributes - angels and Yule stars. The tradition of celebrating Yule has appeared

Iododerma - acne-like: i acneiformis (syn. acneidoidea, iodine-like acne).

Acne-like skin changes that can be caused by excess iodine in the body due to excess seafood and other foods rich in iodine.

These changes are called iododerma or "acne" because of the similarity between them and ordinary pimples (acne) on the face. However, iododerma can occur on any part of the body.

The disease is associated with the use of high doses of iodine to treat some forms of goiter. It occurs more often in older age (with functional insufficiency of the thyroid gland).

The process can begin in the area of ​​cystic degeneration of the sebaceous glands, hair follicles, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. In this case, nodes arise