Zaeda Yeast

Zaeda is one of the most common fungal diseases caused by a yeast fungus of the genus Candida albicans. Seizures can occur in different areas of the skin and mucous membrane, but often affect the lips. They spread to the skin of the lips, around the mouth and through the gums. Seizures are a common condition that can cause skin irritation and discomfort for the patient. In this article we will look at tremors (yeast), the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and treatment methods.

Yeast or jam

One of the most common and recognizable manifestations is yeast infection, which is often referred to as “lips in a beard.” It looks like a white powdery spot on the lip or along the edge of the nose. Microorganisms colonize the lips and penetrate deep into the tissues under the epidermis. Superficial infection with candidiasis develops in approximately half of patients, and deep infection in a third of patients (mainly in the presence of immunodeficiency, especially after systemic steroid drugs). Candidiasis occurs in two forms: - Rapidly progressive, which is typical for children, young people and pregnant women, characterized by a high rate of maturation, which makes differential diagnosis impossible; - Subacute/protracted is typical for adult patients. After the first manifestation, the infection recurs up to 8 times. Protracted forms of infection take longer to treat, so it is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations. The duration of relapse depends on the effectiveness of treatment and the presence or absence of additional chronic pathology. It is very important to get it right