
  1. In psychoanalysis, substitution is a type of defense mechanism in which one idea is replaced by another. In this way, a person avoids disturbing, painful thoughts and feelings, replacing them with more acceptable and safe ones. For example, aggression can be replaced by care and love.

  2. Symptom substitution suggests that getting rid of one psychological symptom can lead to the appearance of another symptom. This happens if the root cause of the problem is not resolved. For example, a person quits smoking, but starts eating a lot due to stress and nervous tension. The existence of such a replacement symptom is a matter of debate among psychologists.

Substitution is the process by which one entity is replaced by another that has a similar meaning or function. This can happen in various fields such as linguistics, mathematics, physics and others.

In linguistics, substitution can be used to analyze words and expressions to understand their meaning and function in a language. For example, the word “cat” can be replaced with “animal” or “pet” to explain its meaning.

Substitution can also be used in mathematics to solve equations and problems. For example, if we have the equation x + y = z, then we can replace y with x - z to get a simpler equation.

In addition, substitution can be used in physics to describe processes occurring in nature. For example, when we talk about the sun shining on the earth, we can replace the sun with the source of light and the earth with the object on which the light falls.

Thus, substitution is an important tool for understanding and analyzing various phenomena and processes. It can help us better understand the world around us and use it to solve problems and challenges.

**Replacement** is a protective mechanism in the psyche and psychology that allows us to switch from unwanted thoughts or feelings to something else, to shift our attention from internal conflict so that it disrupts personality functioning to a lesser extent. Substitution can occur either intentionally or without a person’s desire. This mechanism aims to protect our understanding of the world and ourselves from unwanted harm caused by negative emotions, be it anger, fear, shame...

Substitution is rational thinking, for example, in order to stop reacting to a problem instead of solving it. At the same time, switching is a more adaptive method than suppression. This is also the name of one of the processes of information processing with the participation of emotion for emotional switching, emotional release - when an emotional “transfer” of the feeling that causes tension is carried out to another object or individual.