Transportable Medical Equipment Stock

A transportable supply of medical equipment: why is it needed and how is transportation organized?

A transportable supply of medical equipment (Z. m. i.) is an integral part of the healthcare system, which ensures the safety and availability of medical materials and equipment in extreme conditions, for example, in emergency situations, during military operations, when transporting patients over long distances and etc.

Z. m. and. is a stock of medical materials and equipment, which is located in units (on ships) and formations, transported on standard transport. This supply includes medications, medical instruments, consumables, life support devices and other medical equipment necessary to provide qualified medical care.

Organization and maintenance of health care and. - This is the responsibility of the state and medical institutions. They must monitor the timely replenishment of supplies, monitor the expiration dates of medical supplies and equipment, and ensure the safety of storage and transportation.

Transportation of Z. m. and. carried out in specially equipped vehicles that provide the correct temperature, ventilation and other storage conditions. There are also special rules and requirements for the transportation of medical supplies, which are regulated by law.

A transportable supply of medical equipment plays an important role in providing qualified medical care in extreme conditions. Its presence and proper organization of transportation can save many lives in critical situations.

Stock of medical equipment - a transportable stock of property used to provide first aid and consisting of ready-to-use medical products.

Procured, as a rule, directly from medical units intended to replenish other active ones.

Designed to equip units in permanent locations and deploy special medical facilities intended for the needs of the population. In addition, transported supplies are used to provide medical assistance during natural disasters, accidents in military conditions, etc.

Main elements of medical equipment: - medical products (thermometers, syringes, pipettes, masks, etc.) and instruments; -