Stock of Medical Equipment in Military Medicine

The supply of medical equipment in military medicine plays an important role in ensuring the health and combat effectiveness of military personnel. It is necessary to keep wounded, sick and infected team members alive, as well as to provide medical care in emergency situations.

The stock of medical equipment is formed through medical equipment prepared in advance and stored in warehouses. It consists of various types of medical products, including drugs, medical equipment and consumables. Medical products containing virological (biological) pathogens must be stored and transported under special conditions

A stock of medical equipment in military medicine is medical equipment prepared in advance, intended to support military forces and in preparation for long-term strategic operations.

The most important task of military medicine is timely and high-quality first aid to the wounded and sick during combat operations, providing conditions for the treatment of the wounded and sick. Consequently, without a stocked supply of medical equipment, it is impossible to provide high-quality medical care to a military unit (formation) or military institution. In particular, military personnel have the right to receive free medical care. Stocks of medical equipment include dressings, patient care items, medical products, medical instruments, medical equipment, as well as other components necessary for providing first aid, transporting and maintaining the sick and wounded during military operations.

Types of medical supplies:

*- dressing material - medicines - care items for the wounded and sick - medical instruments.

Medical supplies are a tool to assist Soldiers and their families and play an important role in providing medical care in military operations on land, sea or air. Therefore, the medical supply stockpile must be staffed with highly trained specialists to ensure prompt operation during future first aid operations.