The germinal vesicle, or neofilm, forms 4-7 days after the retention of follicular fluid, when vaginal discharge intensifies. Depending on the individual age of a woman, the duration of its formation, as well as physicochemical characteristics, also changes. If there is a delay in female discharge for several days during the calendar cycle, it can also form at the end of the first week after the moment of ovulation.
It is very important to consider that after the maturing follicle-stimulating phase, the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins. However, it is worth knowing what hormonal background a woman has at the time of the planned fertile pause can affect the strength and structure of the entire neoperculation. When the level of female estrogen exceeds the norm, the female gel has increased coagulability, not fulfilling its direct functions of forming a shell for the early zygote. Most often, the fertilization process starts only in the next cycle, and conception occurs in the last phase of the cycle. In view of this, you cannot blindly rely on any timing of conception without taking into account certain factors.