Valve Anal

Anal flaps: meaning, application and interesting facts

The passage from behind for both women and men has its own characteristics. There are things that few people think about, but they exist. One of them is such an anatomical detail as the gap between the rectum and the anus on all sides, it is called the “sphincter”. At one time, this name was very popular in medicine, as it made it possible to simply and accurately describe the structure of the anus. It must be said that the passage itself and the sphincters serve important purposes. For example, they prevent diseases from entering the excretory organs and reproductive system.

The anal valve, or more simply the anal valve (also called the anal valve), is a muscular plate located in the lower part of the rectum that is responsible for controlling the flow of feces and urine. It consists of two parts: proximal and distal.

Functions of the anal flap:

1. Regulation of the outflow of feces and urine occurs due to the fact that the proctic disc, located at a distance of several centimeters in the ampulla of the rectum, makes up to fifteen movements per minute with its rhythmic contractions. This prevents the fecal matter from being pushed forward of the anus, and the entire fecal bolus is expelled through the anus. 2. The second important function of the anal fissure seal is to accelerate the absorption of water by a person. This is the root cause of each of the accumulations of excess fecal matter at the exit. Fecal fractions that could not get out often turn into a dense lump that gets stuck inside the anus. That is why the anal fissure seal flattens the intestine at the right time and facilitates the immediate release of poorly digested portions of fecal waste naturally. 3. The third function of an anal seal is that it prevents gases from escaping from the anus. This helps support normal human gas exchange and protect internal organs from excessive gas pressure inside the intestines. 4. In addition to these functions, the perianal muscle valve prevents various infections from entering the body by absorbing bacteria, viruses and other harmful agents inside. The valve of the posterior meatus (also known as the corpus mucus) performs many important functions: regulating the normal flow of urine and feces, protecting the body from the penetration of harmful microorganisms, preventing the entry of gases, and even enhancing the effect of certain drugs during medical procedures.

Dear readers! Today I want to talk to you about an important organ in the human body - the ovary canal. This channel is one of the most mysterious and interesting. It has its own organ called the anal valve.

Anal valve - (v. anal is, pna.; syn. Z.A, Morganian valve. It is an unpaired longitudinal muscular circular layer of the rectal wall, located between the transverse colon and the rectal ampulla. When the muscle contracts, the internal elastic valve raises the continent of the rectum and the internal ileum, as a result of which the lumen of the intestine narrows, which promotes defecation and prevents intestinal contents from entering the rectum into the anus. Also, the posterior ischium, os, partly acts as a valve of the rectum. It protrudes, deflecting the internal circular sphincter protruding upward from the transverse side of the anus.