Solidification of blood in the bladder

This is indicated by the appearance of melancholy, accompanied by fainting, coldness of the extremities, weakening of breathing and pulse at their frequency, cold sweat, nausea; sometimes along with this there is a tremendous chill, and this is preceded by urination with blood, a blow or a fall.

Treatment. Treatment for this is the same as for stones; sometimes it is enough to give the patient shikanjubin to drink, and if the patient vomits from it, this is acceptable. Sikanjubin from sea onions is especially useful, and even more so with a certain amount of fig tree ash or with a decoction of stone tearing agents and medicines. Sometimes injected into

bladder, hare's rennet and medicine for stones, or put the patient in a bath of water in which herbs against stones were boiled. Praiseworthy remedies include a drink from the grains of the balsam tree in the amount of two dirhams, silt from the same amount of the stem of the peony officinalis or peony seed, especially with the juice of its stem, or from the same amount of “fragrant marigolds”, or one mithqal of wild cumin with water or wine vinegar or unripe olive oil; The sour sikanjubin from sea onions, in my opinion, is preferable to vinegar, because the vinegar contained in the latter breaks off, and the honey cleanses and dissolves. They also praise juniper berries, stinking ferula gum, usshak and madder, which are taken in equal parts and made into nuts. At one time they give four nuts with root juice, which are administered in injections. Either they use agaric, or tortuous gill, or two bowls of ferula stinking gum or long aristolochia.

Medicines that are useful due to their special properties include donkey liver, turtle bile and hare rennet, especially with an infusion of grapevine ash. The stem of the yarrow santolinum is beneficial in this case, as well as the dried milky juice of the fig tree, if introduced in a small amount; From one dirham of juice a pouring is also prepared, as well as from dried juice with some infusions. Pouring hare rennet from a bowl is also useful. The liquids with which these medicines are taken are, for example, a decoction of black chickpeas, tribulus juice, an infusion of fig tree ash, an infusion of grapevine ash and the stem of yarrow, a decoction of yarrow with wine.