Difficulty breathing, which is one of these diseases, and its treatment

If it comes from moisture, then Galen prescribes taking medicine from sea onions mixed with honey twice a month; Thirty-six carats are given at one time. Two days before taking this medicine, the patient stops talking and moving; in the seventh hour after taking the medicine, he eats bread with diluted wine, and in the evening, egg yolks with bread crumb. In the morning, the patient is given a small chicken, from which broth is prepared, and the next day in the evening he is taken to the bathhouse. If the disease does not go away, then use medicinal porridge with coral and the medicine Andromache, especially if the disease is prolonged.

If the cause is rooted in the head, then wash your hair with soap and bavrak twice a week, often use sneezing-inducing remedies, gargle with thickly brewed mulberry juice with sabur and myrrh, and also do physical exercises and rubbing your back. They also apply bandaging of the legs, starting from top to bottom, and use the above-mentioned cleansers and pills of this kind: they take equal parts of cypress wormwood, rue stems and bitter wormwood herb, turn them into pills and give two pills the size of a chickpea grain every day; after this they give sikanjubin to drink, especially sikanjubin from sea onions. And one more thing: they take beaver stream and citvar wormwood, one part each, bitter wormwood and cumin, half a part each, and turn them into pills the size of a chickpea grain. Cabbage lick medicine is an excellent remedy for such patients. And one more thing: they take the ash from the leeches that live under water jugs, which they burned in a baked clay jug until they turned into ashes, mix the ash with honey and take a spoonful every day.

All these treatment methods help when the cause of breathing disorder is in the nerves. And if it comes from heat, then these cakes are very useful: take six parts of roses, fourteen rhizomes of iris, two barberries, lacca, aristolochia, mastic, squeezed sapling juice, squeezed wormwood juice, as well as sumbul, anise and fennel seeds of each three dirhams, saffron, half a dirham, cucumber, qissa, pumpkin and melon seeds, one dirham each, gum tragacanth, thickly brewed licorice juice, cucumber seeds, one dirham each. Emptying should also be done using means that remove hot juices. If the cause of shortness of breath is weakness affecting the nerves or damage to them, then it should be treated with means that strengthen the pneuma located in the nerves, as well as hot fragrant oils, for example, narcissus oil, iris oil, white lily oil, as well as oils prepared with spices , and wax ointments with such oils. Saffron oil and saffron itself are extremely beneficial for this ailment. And if the cause is a blow that affects the exit points of these nerves, then treat with appropriate remedies from among those that prevent the formation of a tumor.