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Entropion of the eyelid: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

The eyelids play an important role in protecting the eyes and keeping them healthy. They serve as a natural barrier structure that prevents harmful substances and microorganisms from entering the eyeball. However, sometimes the eyelids can experience a variety of problems, including a medical condition known as entropion, or entropion.

Entropion, or entropion, is a condition in which the eyelids turn inward incorrectly, causing the eyelashes and surface of the eyelid to rub against the eye. This can cause discomfort, irritation and damage to the cornea. Entropion usually affects the lower eyelid, but can also occur in the upper eyelid.

The main reason for the development of entropion is aging. With age, the tissues of the eyelid undergo changes that can lead to its deformation. In addition, entropion can be caused by trauma, congenital abnormalities, or infectious diseases. Some people may also be prone to developing entropion due to genetic factors.

Symptoms of entropion may include a persistent feeling of irritation or grit in the eye, watery eyes, a burning sensation, sensitivity to light, and noticeable rubbing of the eyelashes against the eye. If these symptoms are ignored for a long time, eye inflammation or infection may occur.

Treatment for entropion usually requires medical intervention. Your doctor may recommend using artificial tears to lubricate the eye and reduce discomfort. In some cases, antibiotic ointments or drops may be prescribed to prevent infection. However, in most cases, surgical correction is the most effective treatment for entropion.

Surgery may include various procedures aimed at returning the eyelid to its normal position. One common method is surgical eyelid reconstruction, in which the surgeon corrects the deformity and returns the eyelid to its correct position. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove excess tissue or eyelashes.

It is important to see a qualified ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment of entropion. The doctor will examine the eye, review the patient's medical history, and decide which treatment method is most appropriate for a particular case.

In conclusion, entropion, or entropion, is a medical condition that requires attention and treatment. Aging, trauma, congenital abnormalities, and infections may cause this condition. However, modern medicine offers various treatment methods, including conservative measures and surgical correction. If you have symptoms of entropion, see an ophthalmologist for a professional evaluation and treatment recommendations. Taking care of the health of your eyelids can help preserve your vision and keep your eyes comfortable throughout your entire eyelid.