Green marsh frogs and red sea frogs

Anyone who drinks water with frogs experiences a darkening of the complexion to yellow, the body swells and becomes flabby, a burning sensation in the throat and mouth, breathing becomes difficult, darkening in the eyes, dizziness, and bad breath. Often such people experience convulsions and tamaddud, sometimes dysenteric diarrhea, nausea and vomiting begin, mental confusion and fainting occur, and sometimes they involuntarily ejaculate semen and excess. Those who escaped from this almost never retained their teeth, but on the contrary, they fell out.

The patient is induced to vomit olive oil with hot water or large amounts of wine, they are forced to move and sweat a lot in a bathhouse or hot tub, and hot oils are rubbed into his body. Medicine with turmeric or lacquer helps him, as well as everything that helps with dropsy, and drinking plenty of wine with three dirhams of reed roots is beneficial for him, and drinking fragrant reed in wine is also beneficial for him.