
Pharynx - or Pharynx - is an opening in the body that is used for swallowing food. This may be the esophagus or part of the throat. When a person chews food and begins to drink liquid, he also uses his pharynx to force liquid into the oral cavity. The problem with throats occurs when they have holes, which can lead to diseases.

Diseases of the pharynx include throat diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis. They are connected to the mouth. Throat-related illnesses may manifest as a sore throat, hoarseness, or sore throat. This occurs as a result of respiratory tract infection or viral diseases. More serious cases may result in tracheitis, throat abscess, or even sore throat. Most throat conditions can be treated with antibiotics, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Here are some ways to prevent throat diseases:

1. Healthy lifestyle: - Proper nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep