Jakku Symptom

Jacques symptom is a sign that manifests itself in various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It was described by the French physician Jacques Sciaccou in 1870.

The symptom occurs in diseases associated with damage to joints and ligaments. In this case, there is deformation of the joint, its increase in volume and limitation of mobility. There may also be pain and swelling around the joint.

The most common Jakku symptom occurs in arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. However, it can also occur with other diseases, for example, with injuries, tumors, etc.

To diagnose a disease accompanied by Jaccoud's symptom, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination of the joint, as well as a blood test for the presence of inflammation. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease and may include medication, physical therapy, massage and other methods.

Jaccoux Symptom is systemic vasculitis of small and medium vessels of the skin, mainly on the legs in the area of ​​large veins. This syndrome received its name in honor of the French physician Jean Jacquoud, who first described this disease in 1908.

With this syndrome, an inflammatory process of small vessels is observed in the distal areas of the lower extremities. Damage to the vascular wall occurs due to a violation of the body’s immune system, which begins to attack its own cells. This can happen after an infectious disease or intoxication. Most often, this occurs in young people