Gland Ceruminosa

The Ceruminous gland (lat. Ceruminosa) is a gland that is located in the human ear and is responsible for the production of earwax. This gland is cone-shaped and located in the lower part of the external auditory canal. It consists of epithelial cells that produce earwax.

Earwax is a sticky substance that protects the ear from infection and helps remove waste products from the ear. It also plays a role in moisturizing and lubricating the external ear canal, which helps prevent it from drying out and crusting.

The Ceruminosus gland is an important organ for maintaining ear health. However, if earwax becomes too thick or hard, it can make hearing difficult and cause discomfort. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

Overall, the Ceruminosus gland plays an important role in maintaining ear health and is essential for normal hearing function.