Gland Excretory

🚽 An excretory gland is a medical device that is used to excrete urine. It consists of the bladder and a tube that connects it to the urinary canal.

1️⃣ History Exectoral iron was used a long time ago, back in Ancient Egypt. Such devices were made of gold or silver and were very expensive. Nowadays, they are available to the general public and are affordable. This device has become incredibly popular due to its efficiency and ease of use. 2️⃣ Advantages of escurator iron It is thanks to this device that it is possible to control the urination process. While the device is in a container with liquid, the excretory part of the catheter remains on the surface, while the main part goes inside. In this way, it is possible to avoid leakage of urine during external physical efforts. Thanks to the presence of a special flask for collecting urine, it is possible to analyze it in a timely manner and eliminate the likelihood of developing diseases at an early stage. 3️⃣ Device