Glands of the urethra

The urethral glands (lat. Glands urethralis) are glands located in the urethra (urethra) in men and women. In men they are located on the anterior wall of the urethra, and in women they are on the posterior wall.

The glands of the urethra perform an important function - they secrete a secretion that helps maintain normal microflora of the urethra and prevents the development of infections. In addition, they are involved in the process of sperm formation in men.

In men, the glands of the urethra have several functions. They secrete a secretion that is involved in the formation of prostate secretion and seminal fluid. They also help maintain normal pH levels in the urethra, which prevents the development of infections.

In women, the glands of the urethra also play an important role in maintaining normal microflora and preventing the development of infections. They secrete a secretion that maintains a normal pH level and prevents the development of infection. In addition, the glands of the urethra are involved in the formation of lubrication necessary for the normal functioning of the vagina.

The urethral gland is a small organ located in the urethra. The main function of this organ is to secrete fluid necessary for the formation of urine. The gland is located between the prostate gland and the urethra.

The gland has two types - male and female. Male glands are usually found