Nuclear jaundice (Kemicterus)

Nuclear jaundice (Kemicterus) - yellow coloration and subsequent damage to the brain by bile pigment (bilirubin), which is observed with severe manifestations of hemolytic disease of the newborn. In this case, immature brain cells of the basal ganglia are affected and cerebral palsy develops, the manifestations of which become noticeable at about six months of age; the child has impaired coordination of movements, deafness, visual impairment, and also has difficulties in feeding and learning spoken language.

Nuclear jaundice (Kemicterus): symptoms, causes and consequences

Nuclear jaundice, also known as kernicterus, is a severe disease that causes immature brain cells in the basal ganglia to turn yellow and cause cerebral palsy. This condition occurs in severe cases of hemolytic disease of the newborn, in which red blood cells are destroyed and the bile pigment bilirubin is released.

In Jaundice, nuclear bilirubin accumulates in immature brain cells, which leads to their damage and the development of cerebral palsy. This condition may appear around six months of age, when the baby begins to experience incoordination, deafness, visual impairment, and difficulty feeding and learning to speak.

The causes of Nuclear Jaundice are associated with hemolytic disease of the newborn, which occurs when the blood of the mother and child are incompatible in terms of blood type or Rh factor. As a result of the immune reaction, the mother's antibodies begin to attack the baby's red blood cells, which leads to their destruction and the release of bilirubin.

Treatment of Nuclear Jaundice includes timely identification of hemolytic disease of the newborn and its treatment, as well as symptomatic therapy to reduce the manifestations of cerebral palsy. However, in most cases, Nuclear Jaundice has serious consequences for the baby's health and can lead to impaired motor function, dementia, deafness and other problems.

Overall, Nuclear Jaundice is a serious disease that can lead to serious consequences in a child's development and health. Therefore, timely detection of hemolytic disease of newborns and its treatment is necessary to prevent the development of Nuclear Jaundice and its consequences.

Nuclear jaundice

Nuclear jaundice or kernicterus (another name is _Kemicteris_) is a disease of newborns caused by a disorder of bilirubin metabolism. It manifests itself as extremely serious, often irreversible, disorders of brain development. In order to understand the features of this disorder, it is necessary to consider the functions