Gastric Juice From Horses

Horse stomach juice: a natural remedy for improving digestion

Horse stomach juice is a natural remedy that is used to improve digestion. It belongs to the group of drugs that enhance the secretion of gastric glands and can be used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The international name of this drug is natural gastric juice, and it can also be called natural gastric juice (Equin) or natural gastric juice Equin. It is a secretion of the gastric glands of healthy dogs and other domestic animals, preserved with the addition of 0.03-0.04% salicylic acid.

Gastric juice from a horse is recommended for use in cases of insufficient function of the gastric glands, achylia, hypoanacidic gastritis and dyspepsia. It can help improve the digestion process and reduce symptoms associated with gastrointestinal disorders.

The drug has no contraindications, side effects or interactions with other drugs. Overdose has also not been described.

Gastric juice from a horse can be used as an independent remedy to improve digestion, as well as in complex therapy of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, before use, you should consult a specialist and read the instructions for use.


  1. Mashkovsky M.D. "Medicines", ed. 14.2. Directory "Medicines", edited by Klyuev M. A., 2001.