Burning fever, that is, a fever called causus

Burning fever is of two kinds: burning yellow gall fever - its cause is significant putrefaction either inside the vessels of the whole body, or only in the vessels close to the mouth of the stomach, or in the vessels of the liver - or burning mucous membrane, as Hippocrates says in Epidemics; the latter comes from salty mucus that has rotted in the vessels adjacent to the heart area. And salty mucus is formed, as you know, from the watery part of the mucus and sharp yellow bile, and yellow bile, which rots, turns out to be fiery, ash-colored, mixed with abundant watery moisture. Since the burning fever is stronger than the three-day fever in its manifestations, its duration should be shorter.

Old people rarely have burning fevers, and if they occur, the patients die, since they only have fevers due to a very strong cause, and old people have weak strength. As for young men and children, they often have a burning fever, and in children it is easier due to the dampness of their nature. Fever is often accompanied by hibernation, as it raises fumes in the head.

Hippocrates says that if a patient with a burning fever trembles, then the trembling dispels his mental darkness. It seems that this happens because the brain becomes very warm and warms the nerves, and they become as if burning, and the darkness of the mind is dispelled by trembling, since the juices are rushed to the nerves. Most often, a burning fever ends with vomiting, constipation, perspiration, or nosebleeds.

Signs. Its signs are the persistence, imperceptibility of weakening attacks and the severity of symptoms: roughness of the tongue, which first turns yellow, then blackens, retention of perspiration, unless there is a crisis, and intense thirst. Hippocrates says: But if a slight cough occurs, then the thirst calms down. It seems that the great thirst in such patients is due to the lungs, and when the lungs move slightly from coughing, they are moistened by the liquid flowing towards them from the loose meat. The heat of a burning fever is in most cases not so strong outside as it is inside; weakness with it is less than with other fevers.

Burning fever arising from yellow bile is accompanied by sharp bad symptoms: insomnia, anxiety, burning, confusion of mind, nosebleeds, headache, beating in the temples, sunken eyes, weakness of pure bile, loss of appetite. When such a fever occurs in children, they are disgusted with sucking the breast and they do not take it, and the milk that they do suck out spoils and turns sour.

Treatment of burning fever. Its treatment is similar to the treatment of pure three-day. When emptying with the medications mentioned in its place is required, it is better to hurry with this, although complete emptying is carried out after the juices have ripened. Bloodletting sometimes inflames such patients, but sometimes it benefits them if the urine is cloudy and red. However, patients need greater relief and cooling, and what they take should actually be cooled. If you are afraid of a loss of strength, then you need to feed them, even if they do not want it, especially those who digest a lot of food: the fact is that they are often affected by bulimus, that is, loss of sensitivity at the mouth of the stomach. They also need a stronger mitigation of the nature at the beginning of the disease in the above-mentioned measures for treating acute fever in all the ways described; Sometimes it is useful for the patient to fall asleep when the fever has slightly weakened, having previously taken tamarind juice, in which a little camphor was added. A favorite remedy for them is sikanjubin or the milky juice of purslane seeds, or the milky juice of chicory seeds; Raqqa melons are also good. When drinking cold water, one should take into account what we said above, and if there are no obstacles, then the patient is given it, even if it turns him blue. Sometimes, due to clouding of mind, patients forget to ask for water, and they should be given a little water every now and then, in frequent sips, especially to those whose tongue appears dry and withered.

Excessive manifestations of fever are treated as we have discussed in the relevant paragraphs. It is necessary to protect against excessive bleeding from the nose - this is one of the phenomena that poses a great danger to such patients; You should also monitor their breathing and avoid spasms in the chest area; the head should be protected by pouring vinegar, rose oil and rose water on it and rubbing it with sandalwood, camphor and similar substances, as well as using the pourings in which the medicines we mentioned were boiled. If their insomnia increases, then treat it; in such a condition, it is not harmful to drink a drink made from sleeping pills, even black ones, and at the end of the illness, patients are given cakes suitable for them, for example, cakes with camphor. At such times, they benefit from sikanjubin with the milk of cucumber seeds, chicory seeds and purslane seeds; take two dirhams for each, and twenty-five to thirty-five dirhams for sikanjubin, whichever is best. If diarrhea occurs, then give locking cakes made from bamboo nodules.

Good flatbreads. They take nodules of bamboo and roses - two and a half dirhams each, saffron - two danaks, purslane seeds and chicory seeds - three dirhams each, pumpkin seeds and kissa seeds - two dirhams each, sandalwood - one and a half dirhams, thickly brewed licorice juice, starch - each dirham, camphor - one and a half danak, they drink two dirhams at a time.

Also: roses - four dirhams, cucumber seeds, melon, kissa, purslane - two dirhams each, saffron - two danaks, camphor - one and a half danaks, gum, starch, tragacanth, thickly brewed licorice juice - each dirham, they drink at the reception two dirhams.

When there is a clear decline in fever, there is no harm from a bath, the water in which is rather cold. The most beneficial bath is for those who have a fever from salty mucus.