Journal of Registration of Intra-Pharmacy Procurements

Logbook for registration of in-pharmacy preparations: description and purpose

The register of intrapharmacy supplies is an important document maintained in pharmacies and is necessary to control the circulation of medicines and medical products inside pharmacy warehouses. This journal is a mandatory element of the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the circulation of medicines and medical devices.

The journal of registration of in-pharmacy preparations is produced in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of April 12, 2010 No. 61-FZ “On Medicines”, Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic and psychotropic substances, Rules for the provision of medical care in pharmacies, as well as other regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The country of origin of the journal for registration of internal pharmacy preparations is Russia. The pharmaceutical group to which it belongs is consumables. The manufacturer is the Voskhod company (Russia). The international name of the magazine is Magazine. There are also several synonyms, including Magazine No. 4, Magazine No. 6, Magazine No. 7, Magazine No. 10, Magazine No. 11, Magazine No. 12, Magazine No. 2, Magazine No. 5, Journal of registration of narcotic drugs, Journal of registration of goods by groups in pharmacy.

The journal for registration of in-house pharmacy preparations includes the following sections:

  1. Section 1 “Receipt” - indicate the date, name and quantity of received medicines and medical products, the number and date of the document confirming the delivery.
  2. Section 2 “Expense” - indicate the date, name and quantity of medicines and medical products issued, the number and date of the document confirming the issue, as well as the surname and initials of the person to whom the issue was made.
  3. Section 3 “Balance” - indicates the balance of medicines and medical products in the warehouse at the end of the month.
  4. Section 4 “Write-off acts” - this section reflects write-off acts that are drawn up when defects are detected, loss or damage to medicines and medical products.

Each entry in the register of intrapharmacy preparations must be signed by the responsible person of the pharmacy and certified by the seal of the pharmacy organization. It is important to note that maintaining a log of intrapharmacy preparations is mandatory for all pharmacy organizations, including pharmacies operating as an Internet pharmacy.

The main purpose of maintaining a journal of registration of intrapharmacy supplies is to ensure control over the circulation of medicines and medical products in a pharmacy organization, as well as to ensure the safety of patients when using medicines. Keeping a log allows you to control the number of medications received and issued, as well as accurately determine the balance in the warehouse. This avoids supply problems and ensures timely treatment for patients.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the journal for recording intrapharmacy preparations is an integral part of the work of a pharmacy organization and plays an important role in ensuring the safety and quality of patient treatment. Maintaining this journal is mandatory for all pharmacies and must be carried out in accordance with current legislation.