Ear Button Probe

In the modern world, medicine does not stand still, and new methods for diagnosing and treating diseases are constantly emerging. One such method is the Ear Button Probe, which is also known as the Vojacek Probe. This instrument is used in otolaryngology to examine the ear and remove various formations such as plugs or foreign bodies.

The Vojacek probe appeared in the 19th century, but only in recent decades has it become widely used for treatment and diagnostics in medicine. This unique instrument consists of two parts: a needle and a tube that connects to the needle. The needle size varies depending on the specific procedure.

The first part of the Vojacek probe, the needle, has different sizes depending on the diameter of the patient's ear. It can be from 2 to 6 millimeters in diameter to fit the size of the ear. The second part, the tube, is usually 5-10 centimeters long. For convenience, the tube is connected